Knowing the Real Man – Denis Vincent

Denis Vincent is a prolific businessman from Canada. Known for his contribution to a number of sectors, Denis has a career that spans over three decades. While he was initially interested in sales and aftermarket services, he was soon charmed by the aviation industry. Within ten years of starting his job life, he founded his company – Heli Vincent, which deals in dry lease and sales of helicopters and airplanes. Today, many people know him as Denis Vincent Quebec Helico, simply because of his passion for the industry and his company. 

Denis also worked extensively in adding value to the aviation sector. In fact, he has always mentioned about the incredible opportunities that this industry offers to the youth and new entrepreneurs. Denis is also a trained pilot himself, and he candidly has admitted that flying remains his only indulgence. He has flown coast to coast in the country and wishes to explore his horizons as a helicopter and airline pilot. Besides his work, Denis also finds real pleasure in various kinds of charity activities. Besides his contributions, he also collaborates with local organizations at a personal level, offering his vision and experience. Surely, profits are merely numbers for this man. 

Read Now – Canadian Entrepreneur Denis Vincent

Many people in Canada and the US know Denis Vincent as an entrepreneur and someone who knows how to make money. However, Denis is much more than that, and his journey continues to inspire many. Denis has worked within many industries, including real estate and mining, but what remains close to his heart is aviation. From an early age, he was intrigued by the idea of flying. After working in sales for many years, he started getting trained as a pilot, and since then, it has remained the only passion where he doesn’t mind indulging. 

Denis’ passion for aviation wasn’t just limited to starting his own company. While he worked hard for creating and establishing Heli Vincent Inc as a leader in the market, he also took an active interest in flying. His peers and contemporaries often referred to him as the ‘flying entrepreneur’, because he is a trained helicopter & airplane pilot since 1996 and has accumulated over 10,275 TT as of this date. In fact, flying remains his only passion, and he only spends on that hobby. He has traveled coast to coast in all parts of Canada and has steered two transatlantic flights and mono motor flight from Quebec to Madagascar.

Denis Vincent de Calgary – Le pilote d’hélicoptère

Denis Vincent est un entrepreneur Canadien et hommes d’affaires réputé. Beaucoup connaisse Denis Vincent Calgary pour son travail remarquable qui c’étends a travers des secteurs différents. Contrairement a d’autres, il n’avait pas tous les richesses au début de sa carrière. Pendant longtemps il as travailler dans les ventes et as trouver grand succès dans ses projets. Cependant, il était d’avantage intéresser dans l’aviation, qui demeure aujourd’hui sa vrai passion. Renommé parmi ses amis et collègues en tant que pilote d’hélicoptère et d’avions qualifier depuis 1996, Denis a plus de 14,000 TT a son actif et ce nombre continue d’accroitre.  Sur le plan professionnel, il es connue pour sa compagnie – Heli Vincent Inc, qui consiste de ventes et locations d’avions ainsi que d’hélicoptères.

Quand il n’est pas a travailler, Denis aime piloter au Canada et au-delà, et en peu de temps as réalisées plusieurs exploits. Denis est un homme discret aux valeurs fortes. Pendant que ses adversaires parle de lui en mal, il préfère maintenir la discrétion. Il aime alterner son temps entre sa famille et le travail et travail avec plusieurs organismes de bienfaisance. Au cours de l’un des rares entretiens, il as déclarer qu’au delà du travail il ne prendre pas un ton sérieux, rajoutant que les controverses l’on jamais embêter. Son équipe se rencontre souvent pour des réunions internes, ainsi que des ateliers pour  discuter de différentes façons de faire et d’aider les entrepreneurs potentiels dans leur projets.

Denis Vincent Canada and his love for flying

Denis Vincent knew that he wanted to do more than just sales. He started training as an airplane and helicopter pilot, since he was interested in aviation for a very long time. He has been flying since 1996. In 1997, he launched his company Heli Vincent Inc., which mainly deals in sales and leasing of helicopter and airplanes. He works as the president of the company and shifts his work between Alberta, British Columbia, and Quebec. In many of his candid interviews, he has talked about his struggles with the company and how he has turned tables in just two decades. He has also expressed his interest in taking the business ahead, as aviation has incredible potential. Besides working, he loves to fly, and that’s his only indulgence. When he is not busy with projects, he likes to fly coast to coast in Canada and has over 14,000 TT to his credit.

Denis Vincent knew that he wanted to do more than just sales. He started training as an airplane and helicopter pilot, since he was interested in aviation for a very long time. He has been flying since 1996. In 1997, he launched his company Heli Vincent Inc., which mainly deals in sales and leasing of helicopter and airplanes. He works as the president of the company and shifts his work between Alberta, British Columbia, and Quebec. In many of his candid interviews, he has talked about his struggles with the company and how he has turned tables in just two decades. He has also expressed his interest in taking the business ahead, as aviation has incredible potential. Besides working, he loves to fly, and that’s his only indulgence. When he is not busy with projects, he likes to fly coast to coast in Canada and has over 14,000 TT to his credit.

Denis Vincent Aviation et Denis dans l’immobilier

Avec Heli Vincent inc., Denis a initié son voyage de rêve dans le secteur de l’aviation, et depuis s’est début l’entreprise ne connaît que du succès. Comme il entre dans la 20e année d’opération, Denis est fier d’être le président. Il lui a fallu des années de travail acharné et de persuasion pour démarrer son entreprise, qui est maintenant spécialisée dans la vente et la location d’hélicoptères et d’avions. Denis est un pilote formé lui-même. Il vole depuis 1996, et en 2014, il avait accumulé plus de 9300 TT. Lorsqu’on lui a demandé ce qui motive ses passions, il a ajouté que le vol est son carburant. Il a volé d’un océan à l’autre au Canada.

En l’an 2000, Denis a commencé à travailler dans l’immobilier. Il fut un temps où pas beaucoup ne voulaient pas se risquer dans le monde de l’immobilier, mais Denis était un homme de vision. Il a commencé à travailler sur des projets de développement immobilier et devient rapidement un nom reconnu dans le milieu. En fait, il a été une grande influence sur les fusions et acquisitions de nombreuses entreprises, alternativement, son nom a également eu sa part de controverses. Lorsqu’on lui a demandé si ces controverses le rendaient triste, il a ajouté que la vie doit se vivre avec passion, et il n’aime pas suivre les règles standard. Il a ajouté que bientôt le monde saura la vérité, et son travail ne sera pas arrêter à cause de quoi que ce soit.

Canadian Entrepreneur And Business Expert – Denis Vincent

Some stories inspire people to do better. If you are a budding entrepreneur or someone who is looking for ways to expand his career, you should read the story of Denis Vincent. Counted among the best-known entrepreneurs in Canada, Denis has come a long way in the last 35 years. His career redefines the basics of struggle because nothing stopped him from achieving what he always wanted. In this post, we will know Denis better and why he is highly regarded by his team, peers, colleagues and customers alike.

After completing his studies, Denis started his career with P.R.C.S. construction insulation. He worked there as an administrator and overlooked many aspects of the business for one year. In 1984, Denis began his journey in sales with Moto Bateau. He specialized boat and motorcycle sales and aftermarket services for the company and continued to serve his post for five years. During this period, he realized his passion for business and started working as an individual. He worked for different clients and companies for the next one year, mainly focusing on auto sales. He also specialized in international sales, mostly in regions of Asia and Russia.

knowing Denis Vincent – How he deals with controversies

Denis Vincent is a businessman and has a story that might inspire many. Starting at a young age, Denis worked for others for a very long time. He worked with a number of companies for years, but soon he found that his real passion lied in business. He started off Heli Vincent Inc. – A company that mainly works with sales and leasing of helicopter and airplanes. Soon after, he moved to real estate, and that’s when he made some real enemies. His name was unnecessarily included in a number of different controversies, and his response has been humble in many ways. 

In a recent interview, he was asked about these different things being said about him, to which he said, “I believed in business, I believed in Canada and Quebec, and I just work for that.” He also was quick to add that he doesn’t fall for these baits, because his work is not just for profits, but also to help others in the long run. He added that he has plans to move to other industries real soon, mainly because he doesn’t believe in stagnating in just one kind of work. He has also assured of his work with Strong Arm Contracting.

Le voyage incroyable de l’entrepreneur canadien Denis Vincent

Être un entrepreneur n’est jamais facile, et si vous avez commencé sur une note très modeste, le voyage est encore plus difficile. Nous avons tous entendu parler de gens qui ont fait des fortunes fantastiques à partir de rien, mais il y a seulement quelques individus qui peuvent célébrer de travailler par pure passion. Denis Vincent, du Canada, en fait partie. Denis a commencé comme une personne régulière qui cherchait à trouver une carrière stable, mais ses rêves étaient plus ambitieux que d’obtenir plus que juste un salaire. Basé à Québec, au Canada, il a rendu la région et son peuple fiers, grâce à un nombre incroyable de réalisations en moins de 30 ans.

Le début

Denis savait toujours qu’il voulait explorer le meilleur de l’aviation. Il était prêt à prendre des risques, mais voulait aussi être financièrement stable. Dans une de ses entrevues récentes, il a parlé de décrocher son premier emploi avec P.R.C.S. Isolant de construction en tant qu’administrateur. Il a ajouté que l’argent ne lui donnait pas l’exposition au monde des affaires qu’il recherchait, et c’est alors qu’il a déménagé chez Moto Bateau, où il a travaillé dans les ventes pendant plus de cinq ans. Il a ensuite travaillé au privé pendant près de 10 ans. Entre ces années, il a commencé à s’entrainer comme pilote d’hélicoptère et d’avion.

Oui, tu l’as bien lu! Il est un pilote licencié depuis 1996 et a accumulé plus de 10275 TT à ce jour. C’est incontestablement sa plus grande passion à date. En fait, il a volé d’un océan à l’autre au Canada et a été en charge des vols transatlantiques et d’un vol mono-moteur Québec à Madagascar. Sa passion pour le secteur ne se limite pas au vol. Il a fondé sa société Heli Vincent Inc en 1997, qui se consacre principalement à la location et à la vente d’hélicoptères et d’avions au Québec, en Colombie-Britannique et en Alberta. En tant que président, il est fortement impliqué dans toutes les opérations de son entreprise.

Autres mouvements

Étant de nature ambitieux, Denis prospère toujours vers de nouveaux sommets. Peu de temps après avoir travaillé dans l’aviation, il s’est déplacé vers le monde de l’immobilier, où son voyage a été tout aussi satisfaisant. En fait, il a été associé à certaines des plus grandes fusions et acquisitions au Canada. Lorsqu’on lui demande comment il se sent a diriger tant de navires, il a ajouté qu’il est toujours à la recherche de défis et veut faire plus que simplement des profits. Il travaille aussi comme chef de la direction financière de Strong Arm Labor & Contracting, une autre industrie qui est très proche de son cœur. Il a ajouté maintes et maintes fois qu’il voulait travailler et créer plus d’emplois pour les gens et les jeunes du Québec, et pour cela, les attentes d’expansion continueront d’augmenter.

Récemment, on lui a demandé ce qu’il pensait de la croissance des industries dans la région; Denis Vincent a ajouté que la portée de l’augmentation est énorme. Il a également assuré que son équipe fera plus d’annonces concernant ses entreprises bientôt!

Sneak-peek in the life of businessman Denis Vincent

Some people manage to do extraordinary things in ordinary situations. They have the power to explore beyond the obvious, and they always know that hard work will pay off. One of the best known Canadian businessmen Denis Vincent also has a similar story. Denis, who started in sales they always know that hard work will pay off at an early age, didn’t have anything but a passion for doing something more than just a job. Within ten years of starting his career, Denis began his business journey and found a niche in the tough industry of aviation. He was always interested in aviation and wanted to do something that would help the industry. Besides training as a pilot, he also worked to start his own company – Heli Vincent, which mainly deals in different kinds of sales and leases for airplanes and helicopters.


Denis knew that the business world is vast, and he never wanted to stick to one genre. In 2000, he began working for real estate projects, and his name has been associated with some of the biggest mergers in the region of Alberta, British Columbia and Quebec. When Denis is not working, he is often working with local charities, which is one of his other passions.

Denis Vincent – A Helicopter Pilot and an Entrepreneur

Love business? Wondering where to start? Don’t have the means? Well, all you need is a good idea along with the will to work hard. Denis Vincent, best known as one of the best entrepreneurs from Quebec area of Canada, has a story that will inspire you. While Denis started in sales and has worked in the industry for more than a decade, many people often know him as Denis Vincent helicopter pilot. Besides launching his own company within a decade of starting work, he has ventured into numerous sectors.

Denis loves flying and is a trained pilot since 1996. Apart from aviation, he is actively involved in real estate and has worked with some of the leading companies and clients for mergers and acquisitions. His work drives his passion, and he has been associated with many businesses. He also likes to offer tips and suggestions to new entrepreneurs and often organizes workshops to help business enthusiasts. Denis is also loved for his soft side, mainly because he spends a lot of time on different charities. Wondering if he finds time for himself? “As long as I work and find time to fly, I think I am quite happy with life in general,” he once said.