Denis Vincent – Le pilote d’hélicoptère incroyable du Canada

Les entrepreneurs sont plus connus pour leur faciliter à augmenter les bénéfices nets. Ils maitrise l’art de multiplier leur ressources et gains. Cela est aussi vrai pour Denis Vincent, bien qu’il soit aussi l’un des plus grands entrepreneurs du Canada. Malgré son succès dans de nombreuses industries, les gens le connaissent souvent comme l’un des hommes d’affaires les plus passionnés pour l’aviation. En fait, il est souvent appelé Denis Vincent, pilote d’hélicoptère, tout simplement parce qu’il aime voler. Pour le monde, Denis est le nom derrière Heli Vincent, qui est l’un des noms de référence au Québec pour la location et la vente d’avions et d’hélicoptères, mais pas beaucoup le connaissent en tant que pilote lui-même.

Essentiellement, il vole de la côte est à côte l’ouest du Canada depuis 1996, et il a accumulé plus de 9300 TT dans ces voyages. Denis a également 2 vols transatlantiques et 1 mono vol moteur Québec à Madagascar à son actif. Quand il ne travaille pas dans l’immobilier, il est souvent en train de planifier des voyages à travers le pays, avec ses amis et ses proches. En fait, dans ses entrevues limitées, il a ajouté maintes et maintes fois qu’il désire voler encore plus, et c’est le seul luxe qu’il se permet.

Denis Vincent du Québec – L’homme derrière les coulisses


Lorsque nous parlons des entrepreneurs prospères du Canada, il y a quelques noms qui ressortent à travers tous les médias, mais il y en a d’autres, aussi non médiatisé. Ces personnes sont celles qui prospèrent en sortant de leurs zones de conforts pour essayer de nouvelles choses, mais ils ne parlent pas toujours au public. Un tel nom est celui de Denis Vincent Québec. Connu comme l’un des meilleurs entrepreneurs au Canada, Denis est incroyable pour sa passion et sa détermination. Il a commencé dans les ventes, et en moins de 10 ans a démarré sa propre entreprise dans l’aviation, qui est spécialisée dans la location et la vente d’hélicoptère. En fait, Heli Vincent Inc a émergé comme l’un des principaux contributeurs à l’industrie.


Denis ne sait pas tout à fait arrêté avec une seule entreprise. Il est également connu comme l’un des grands aimants dans l’immobilier au Québec et au-delà, et il a été associé à de nombreuses fusions et acquisitions. Denis est impliquer largement dans d’autres entreprises et travaille actuellement en tant que directeur financier de Strong Arm Labour & Contracting. Pas étonnant que, malgré la négativité jetée sur lui par ses concurrents, il en ressorts que plus grand et plus fort, en promettant plus que jamais pour un meilleur avenir.

The Successful President Of Heli Vincent Inc

Success is relative. We all know of people who have achieved milestones in their life, but there are only a few who can inspire others, by simply pursing their passions. One such name is that of Denis Vincent’s. As one of the prolific names in Canadian business world, Denis has come a long way since he started his career in sales, with modest means. Today, he stands for a number of companies and is a known personality in Quebec, mainly because of his immense contribution to many industries. This post is dedicated to the man and his work that continues to rise on the top of the heap.

Denis started his career in P.R.C.S. construction insulation, as an administrator. He worked there for a year, before he went into sales and after market support with Moto Bateau. He was associate for five years with the company, and it was during this period that he found immense passion for aviation. He pursued working with another private company in sales, all the while preparing to take a leap in aviation. He started working on his own vision and soon began his journey with Heli Vincent Inc., which is now one of the well known names in Quebec for dry leasing and sales of airplanes and helicopters since 1997. Denis has worked hard to build the company, and he did so because he believed in the industry potential

More about Denis Vincent or his company visit below:

succès de Denis Vincent – hommes d’affaires canadien

Nous connaissons tous des gens qui ont réussi. Cependant, les histoires qui nous intriguent le plus sont ceux qui ont des gens modeste qui on réaliser de grandes choses. Le succès est à nouveau un terme tout relatif bien sûr, mais certaines personnes parviennent juste à regarder au-delà de l’ordinaire et de trouver leur véritable vocation. Un tel homme est Denis Vincent. Nous allons jeter un coup d’oeil.

Denis Vincent est mieux connu dans les milieux d’affaires canadiens comme un audacieux. Il a utilisé des moyens non conventionnels a travers un certain nombre d’industries et est considéré comme un entrepreneur ingénieux. Denis n’a pas eu les moyens n’y les ressources pour l’appuyer dans ces démarches de sa carrière. Il a commencé dans les ventes, et honnêtement travaillé pendant quelques bonnes années avant de découvrir réellement sa passion pour l’aviation. En fait, il était très excité de démarrer son entreprise – Heli Vincent INC., qui porte maintenant à la location et ventes d’avions et d’hélicoptères. Denis a également commencé à se former, en tant que pilote, et depuis, il a volé d’un océan à l’autre au Canada et au-delà.

L’amour pour l’immobilier

Denis a aventuré dans l’immobilier beaucoup plus tard. En 2000, il a commencé à travailler dans l’industrie, et dans les 15 dernières années, il a été associé à certaines des plus grandes fusions et acquisitions connues au Canada. Il a toujours envisagé positionne l’industrie immobilière du Canada sur la carte du monde. Les transactions immobilières que Denis a été impliqué ont été considérées comme un succès phénoménal, et la plupart d’entre eux sont situés dans et autour de Québec. Il prévoit répandre son travail à d’autres parties du pays.

Denis savait que ce ne serait pas facile pour quelqu’un avec son expérience d’e s’établir comme entrepreneur.  Pourtant, il a beaucoup travaillé dans ses premières années pour atteindre le statut qu’il visait. Il a également été profondément intéressé dans d’autres industries et a travaillé en tant que directeur financier de Strong Arm Labour & Contracting. Denis ne laisse pas son succès prendre le dessous de lui; au contraire, il préfère  toujours pousser les limites. C’est lorsque qu’on vise toujours plus haut qu’on réussi a atteindre des sommets. Avec ce genre de passion, il a travaillé dur et a eu une certaine quantité de chance de son côté. Toujours à la recherche de nouvelles idées, de nombreuses opportunités d’affaires lui tombe dans les mains.

Denis Vincent – Man of Many Wonders

We all know of successful people. However, the stories that amuse us the most are those that have simple men/women achieving great things. Success again is quite a relative term for sure, but some people just manage to look beyond the ordinary and find their true calling. One such man is Denis Vincent. Denis Vincent remains one of the most revered names in Canada, mainly because he has the ability to decipher business opportunities in the most basic setting, and for that alone, he must be applauded. After all, following dreams isn’t always easy!

Denis also works as the chief financial officer at Strong Arm Labour & Contracting. He has been working with the company for over four years. He further disclosed that he wishes to develop even more in the real estate industry. What makes his story a true success is the fact there is a lot of faith in his approach. He admitted that he never gets distracted by daily challenges, and his sense of business always sparkles even during the toughest times. When questioned about his future plans, he added that the idea is to explore and find new avenues, and for that, he will do what it takes. On a serious note, he added that his company will make new announcements when the time is right.

Finding Denis Vincent’s Work

If you search for Denis Vincent helicopter, you will find a man who has been known in Canada, mainly in Quebec and Calgary, in a wide range of businesses. Denis is easily the most reputed name in the world of airplane, helicopter leasing, but not many know that he is the biggest influence for some of the most authentic real estate deals. In fact, it is one of those success stories that one would want to emulate. Starting off with a small job, Denis soon knew that he wanted to be on his own. He worked with some of the biggest clients and companies in mining, real estate and beyond, and his work is more about sustained business relationships. 

His efforts in the world of real estate in Quebec and other parts of Canada is the reason behind some of the biggest mergers and acquisitions, and he continues to get ahead of his peers with efforts. Despite a heavy schedule that always keeps him on his toes, he finds time to fly around Canada and has been writing a blog that is intended to show his way of life. Probably, that’s the kind of professionalism we want to see in every industry, and people like Denis only make it possible.   

Denis Vincent – Changent Pratiques D’affaires

Il y a seulement quelques personnes au Canada, ayant un profil diversifié comme celui de Denis Vincent. Denis est un homme avec plusieurs atouts. Avec un début modeste dans le monde de la vente, il fut bientôt intrigué par d’autres entreprises, en particulier le secteur de l’aviation. Dans environ 10 ans, il a démarré sa propre entreprise, qui connait toujours un immense succès. Heli Vincent Inc est actuellement un nom reconnu et une référence dans le domaine de la location et la vente d’avions et d’hélicoptères.   


Denis n’a pas arrêté là. En fait ce n’était qu’un début. En 2000, il explore sa passion dans l’immobilier, et en moins de 15 ans, il devient responsable de nombreuses fusions, d’acquisitions et d’autres opérations importantes. Lorsque sollicité, Denis a toujours des réflexions sur l’avenir. Peu de gens savent qu’il est aussi impliqué dans la location de main-d’œuvre dans les industries minières, et il est seulement une question de temps avant qu’il ne trouve d’autres projets lucratifs. Mise a part de s’est acquis, sa passion perpétuelle continue a attirer et influencer de nombreuses personnes. En si peu de temps, il a accompli ce que plusieurs ne peuvent même pas imaginer dans une vie.     

The Success Of Denis Vincent – Known Canadian Businessman

Denis Vincent is best known in the Canadian business circles as a shark. He has ventured and worked in a number of industries and is considered as an entrepreneur with difference. Denis did not have the means or resources to try the big things right at the start of his career. He started off in sales, and honestly worked there for good few years before actually discovering his passion for aviation. In fact, he was quite excited to start off his company – Heli Vincent INC., which now deals with the dry leasing and sales of airplanes and helicopters. Denis also started getting trained as a pilot, and as of now, he has flown coast to coast in Canada and beyond.

Denis always wanted something bigger for himself than just money. In a recent interview, he said that he wanted to fulfill his dreams, and he always strives to go beyond the ordinary. He also added that he has big hopes for Quebec and Canada and wishes to contribute to the segments and industries in a bigger and better way. No wonder, he has been given many names by his peers and colleagues. He soon ventured in the world of real estate, and ever since then, he hasn’t stopped exploring new venues. His name has been dragged in a number of controversies, but he assures that nothing really bothers him. He was also very vocal about how he wants to create new jobs and wishes better things for the youth, adding that he wishes to offer guidance and choices that he never had.

The Influence And Success Of Denis Vincent

Success stories are always worthy of sharing, because it’s always nice to read about people who have financially succeeded despite all odds. If you are someone who follows the business world of Canada, you may have heard of Denis Vincent. Better known business magnets in a number of industries, Denis has been a phenomenal inspiration for many. In this post, we will try to discover his passions, work and things that make him a real success.

A humble beginning

Denis Vincent started off his career with P.R.C.S. construction insulation, and he worked there for a year between 1983 and 1984, with a drive to learn the ins and outs. In a recent interview, he added that he always wanted to be amazing in what he does, and therefore, he never stopped learning on the job and finding ways to run a business. For the next five years, he was in sales with Moto Bateau, and moved over to a private company for another ten year. It was during that time that he found immense love for entrepreneurship and he insisted on starting a company. That’s when Heli Vincent inc. was born in 1997.

Aviation and more

With Heli Vincent inc., Denis launched his dream journey in the aviation sector, and he has been running the company successfully since. As it enters the 20th year of operation, Denis is proud to be the president. It took him years of hard work and persuasion to start his company, which now is specialized in sales and dry leasing of helicopters and airplanes. Denis is a trained pilot himself. He has been flying since 1996, and in 2014 he had accumulated over 9300 TT. On being asked what drives his passions, he added that flying is his fuel. He has flown from one coast to other in Canada.

Denis in real estate

It was in the year 2000, Denis started working in real estate. It was a time when not many wanted to venture into the risky world of real estate, but he was a man of vision. He started working on real estate development projects and soon became a name that many would reckon with. In fact, he has been a big influence on mergers and acquisitions of many companies, alternatively, his name has also had his share of controversies. On being asked on whether these controversies made him sad, he added that life is all about passion, and he doesn’t like to follow the standard rule book. He added that soon the world will know the truth, and his work won’t stop because of anything.

Denis also finds time for Strong Arm Labour & Contracting, a company that’s close to him, and he has been working as the Chief Financial Officer for more than four years. If you haven’t read about him in the big shot books, it’s because he maintains a very low profile, and he is dedicated to working hard without the limelight.